The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

About 5 years ago, my family and I started to have sharing time at the end of the day, but this is sharing time with a twist.  We talk about the good, the bad and the ugly.  I can’t take credit for it.  This is a segment that Kelly and Mackenzie do on 94.9 in the mornings.  I love that we adopted it as a family for our sharing time because it gives our 3 kids an outlet to both celebrate the good things that happened that day and vent about the bad things that happened. 

Each one of us takes turns sharing.  If we didn’t have a bad or ugly moment that day, we just share the good and stop there.  But, many times we need that time to share about something bad that happened – maybe it was a test that we didn’t do well on or a meeting that didn’t go the way we planned.  Having that safe space to share whatever we want is important to each of us to make sure we are not keeping hold of the bad things.  Releasing those thoughts and feelings is very important to our overall mental health.    

What do we do if we don’t have any good news to share?  Sometimes that happens, that point where one of us is so overwhelmed that only bad and ugly news gets shared.  When that happens, one of us will say you have to share 1 good thing.  Even in the middle of the worst overwhelming feelings, we need to remember the things we are grateful for.  Make a list of 2-3 things you are grateful for so the next time you are asked to share good news and are at a loss for good news, you can look back at your gratitude list and share those things.


Self-Care Tip: Take a Gratitude Break


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