Our Mission
Hustle & Ground’s mission is to provide “on the go” and “at rest” products for all facets of life.
Hustle & Ground Started From…
a car accident. Our Founder, Joy Broils, was in a car accident that caused whiplash and a moderate TBI (frontal lobe and vestibular concussion). In order to recover, she went through 7 months of treatment and had to limit her activities to 2-3 hours of work a day. As Joy shared her story with others, one of the common reactions people had was how much anxiety that would cause them if they were in the same position. Joy had to find out how she liked to relax and unwind almost overnight. What she realized through her conversations, is that many of us need to find ways to relax that resonate with us as individuals. We need to take time to relax, recharge and hit the Pause button on a regular basis whether it is a result from a busy, chaotic time period, a need for a mental health break, or something more serious when life throws you a curveball and you have to Pause for a little longer.
Our themed well-being gift boxes are specially curated to help the giftee Pause. We work with over 40 small businesses across the country to include their products in our different themed boxes. Give the gift of Pause for your next gifting occasion or for the next time you want to treat yourself!